The Chants of my Mirror

Let the light awake you

From the deep slumber.

Let the sun splash its amber

Through the creaks of your door.

I am yearning for your genuine smile

But you left me unnoticed for a while.

You looked at me with those lifeless eyes

My colours are faded, it’s not nice.

Bring back your glam!

Bring back my colours!

Immerse yourself in your pure scent

Let the sweetness fill the air.

Revive your heart, Rejuvenate your mind!

Let your eyes be bright and clear.

Look at me with your beautiful eyes

Untangle the messes of your tresses,

Give life to your dresses

Add some glitters

Bring back my glam!

Bring back my colours!

Satiate me with what I yearn for

Let your gracious smile clear my world.

Paint me with your alluring shade

I will be no more a faded mirror.

Let your smile radiate everywhere.

Even flowers could bloom

At the hardest wall

Only when you are at glee.


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.Keep smiling!😊😊😊


  • Do you often feel the sudden impulses to write something or pour your heart out?Do you also feel that even the words are not enough to describe what we feel?

            I do most of the time. The words of the world seems insufficient to imply what I feel. I am not particularly referring to Distress or the happiness but on the whole , feelings are innumerable. It could be contained completely neither  by action nor by words. I feel like there is something more to this, like the relationship between us and our conscience.

I feel like it’s only us who knows ourselves. It is us who is capable of comprehending  our own thoughts and feeling. you could share your thoughts regarding this in my comment box.

And please do follow if u liked my post.   😊

Also check out my instagram  profile .I’m on Instagram as @thewavesinside.

Have a wonderful day ahead..!! Keep smiling!! Registered & Protected  IZHK-HAQW-IBVF-16VA